oursommwintervacay cleanse: let’s kick last year to the curb.

it’s crippling how this year’s emotions wore me down. day after day, hallowed, blunt words cut into my soft flesh; ubiquitous situations replayed in my mind; my heart become heavy with saturated gripe. my expectations of myself, of my life, were never met. and I blame no one but me.

even now, at 35,000 feet, the weight of the past year draws water from the aquifers deep within my solar plexus. almost anything can trigger the flow of tears down my face…just ask my PT! 

it’s time to cleanse, y’all. kick this past year in the ass.

in just a few hours, we’ll be landing in a strip of winter green, shamrocks hugging the landing gear as it rolls across a narrow valley.  sommkid lies in my arms as the sommelier sleeps behind us.

it’s my chance to finally get away from the chaos, lie in the peace and beauty of the Irish and Scottish countrysides, peruse the original, living art of our world.

who knows, maybe I can let go of all the resentments, rinse myself clean from this year’s perceived transgressions. maybe I’ll forget the pain. in the meantime, I think I’ll have a nap, and then a Guinness.  stay tuned for snowy sommwintervacay posts over the next few weeks.

slainte, y’all!


4 thoughts

  1. Enjoy your Christmas vaca Bryana 🎄
    Give Sommkid a big hug 🤗 for me and tell her
    Shiraz is having fun playing with Schatzi and Benji 🐶🐶

  2. I can hardly wait! This has been a bumpy year. Next year is yet to be lived. Now is the time to soothe the souls. Love you

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