the final day three post.
feeing refreshed from the icy bubbles that quenched our dry throats, we set out to fulfill the remainder of our spiritual conquest. the streets leading to Arulgimu Rajamariamman Devasthanam were adorned with bright white and yellow flowers that spray freshness into the sticky air, gifts for the Hindu gods.
when we reached the temple, we were delighted to find it open to those of us who were traveled and hot and weak and weary.
we removed our shoes and washed our feet, reading ourselves to enter this holy place.
the mixed fragrance of incense and flowers dissipated into the rising heat waves as we entered the sanctuary. touring Chinese students were gracefully seated in the main temple as we wandered among the gods.
the intricacy of detail was impressive, hours of hand carved imagery, layered in delicate paints, are used to depict the honored deities.
a much larger temple then imagined, I lost count of how many altars were present, for the breathtaking beauty of it all was overwhelming to the soul.
the peacefulness challenged us as the sun shined directly into our hearts.
we said a prayer to the universe as we silently closed our eyes in unison with the earth.
(this was her favorite, Rhea said, because she had so many arms to help others.)
as we retreated from this holy place, we rang the bells in the exuberance of our peaceful minds, peaceful hearts, and peaceful souls. we were now whole, leaving in love.
shaanti, shaanti, shaanti.
Next up: Kuala Lumpur.